Club role vacancies

As we gear up to a new season, the club would welcome members to come forward and volunteer to help with the following roles:

Ladies Club Captain - a key role working with our wonderful ladies team captains and representing them and the ladies members within the Club. This role benefits from building on the good work achieved by Alice G over the previous seasons. More information on the role is outlined in this info sheet HERE - or ask Vice Chair or Chair for more info.

Communications & PR team - we would hugely appreciate volunteers coming forward to join the team and help us with the dissemination of all the good news and events across the club and hockey world. You could be a great graphic designer, whizz at Insta or Twitter (X!), love writing and publishing - all of these or just some. This role could work well as a team effort or role share. Its a couple of hours a week. More details on the Info Sheet HERE

There is also an opportunity to work alongside our Treasurer and Men’s Club Captain during this season to see if you would like to take on their role for 24-25 season - please contact any of the Committee if you are interested in any of these roles and would like to be part of the team!